The Role of Progressive People of Color in the Fight to End the School to Prison Pipeline

WHEN: Saturday, October 1, 1 - 4pm  

WHERE: Freedom House, 14 Crawford St, Dorchester, MA

As part of the DSC National Week of Action on School Pushout, the Commutation Project, BPON , Freedom House , NESRI  and Young People’s Projectwill host a community conversation titled “The Role of Progressive People of Color in the Fight to End the School to Prison Pipeline,” featuring guest speakers

  • Dhoruba Bin Wahad

  • Rafael Cancel Miranda

  • Liz Sullivan

  • Kazi Toure

  • Glenn Lloyd

  • Myriam Ortiz

For more information, contact BPON: 617-522-2766.

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Take Back Boston - March & Rally

This Friday, September 30, the Youth Jobs Coalition is part of a coalition to TAKE BACK OUR CITY from big banks and corporations that are killing our COMMUNITIES, JOBS, and ENVIRONMENT.

Take Back Boston - March & Rally
Friday, September 30
Arrive at Boston Common between 2:00-3:30

If you can't come by 3:30, meet us at Bank of America at
100 Federal Street, several blocks from Downtown Crossing
or South Station. (See attached map.)

Don't miss this rare opportunity for youth to:
- be part of a major, action-packed demonstration with national attention
- take action against corporate greed that is hurting families and youth across the nation
- get support in our fight for youth jobs from more than 1000 people

What are our demands?
Along with the Right to the City Coalition many other
organizations we will be demanding that banks and businesses:

* end consumer abuses
* pay their fair share of taxes so jobs and programs aren't cut
* stop evicting and foreclosing on families
* protect instead of destroy the environment
* protect jobs and worker rights

The Youth Jobs Coalition will also call on a big corporation that
has hired too few young people, to step up its support for youth jobs!

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Film Screening: Precious Knowledge


Fundraiser to support AZ Save Ethnic Studies

6pm-9pm:Film & Open Mic
When: October, 7, 2011
Film Screening: Precious Knowledge: Arizona's Battle over Ethnic Studies

Encuentro 5
33 Harrison Ave Fl.5
Boston, MA 02111

Pedro MontaƱez
FB:El Movimiento-The Movement for Ethnic Studies in BPS

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CALL TO ACTION: Stop Execution of Troy Anthony Davis #TOOMUCHDOUBT

4th Execution Date, Call to Action

NCADP.Org Call to Action

Amnesty International Call to Action

NAACP Help Save Troy Davis Call to Action

Troy Davis is on death row for the 1989 murder of police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, GA. Troy has always maintained his innocence, and there was never any physical evidence linking him to the crime. 7 out of the 9 non-police witnesses have since recanted or changed their testimony. New witnesses have come forth identifying another suspect.

Troy's life is in the hands of Georgia's Board of Pardon & Paroles, who has the power to grant Troy clemency.


1. Sign the Amnesty USA petition, asking the GA Board of Pardons & Parole to grant Troy clemency, and forward it to others.

2. Collect signatures on a download-able version of the petition.

3. If you are a lawyer or a legal professional: add your name to the legal professional sign-on letter

4. If you are a member of the clergy: add your name to the clergy sign-on letter.

5. If you have contacts with legal professionals or members of the clergy, forward them the sign-on letters and urge them to sign.

6. If you have contacts in Georgia, urge them to sign the petition or, sign-on letters (if they are legal professionals or members of the clergy.) It is important that the Board know that this issue matter to folks around the country and around the world--but especially that it matters to folks in Georgia.

7. 1 million Tweets for Troy!

If you are Twitter user than please consider tweeting for Troy.

Some sample tweets include:

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Reclaiming power and defending our communities: How YOU can protect yourself from profiling and preemptive prosecution

The panel presentation will focus on how the ‘War on Terror’ climate and its exploitative legal practices in the federal justice system have affected civil liberties and human rights of Arab, Muslim, African American, South Asian, and all immigrant communities.

Representatives from the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF), Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC), Project SALAM, Friends of Human Rights (FHR), Peace Thru Justice Foundation and others will be having a panel discussion about their political, social and legal campaigns around these very important issues to address how we can change these policies and build power for our communities.

Included in the panels are families who will share personal stories of struggles for justice. The goal of the program is to shed light on the conditions of families and communities suffering under the war on terror, mobilize our communities to change these repressive injunctions, and establish alliances across all communities for collective strength and positive social change.
To RSVP and co-sponsor the event contact

Exposing Preemptive Prosecution and Building Community Power
George Friday, Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Kathy Manley, Project SALAM and NCPCF
Faisal Hashmi, Muslim Justice Initiative and NCPCF
Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Masjid Al Hamdulillah, Boston, MA
Mauri Salaakhan, Peace Thru Justice Foundation and NCPCF

Families Speak! Resisting Preemptive Prosecution
Laila Yaghi, mother of Ziyad Yaghi, Raleigh, NC
Tamer Mehanna, brother of Tarek Mehanna, Boston, MA
Sharmin Sadequee, sister of Shifa Sadequee, Michigan
Kazi Toure, former political prisoner, Boston, MA

Visual presentation and documentary presented by Mel Underbakke of NCPCF, and the host of the program is Ashraf Nubani, Executive Director of NCPCF

Location and Time:
September 24, 2011
12 Noon - 5 PM
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, ISBCC
100 Malcolm X Blvd
Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120

Sponsor: National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF)

Co-sponsors include: Bill of Rights Defense Committee-BORDC, American Civil Liberties Union-ACLU-MA, Families United For Justice in America-FUJA, Project SALAM- NY, Friends of Human Rights-FL, Peace Thru Justice Foundation-MD, Free Tarek Mehanna Support Committee-Boston, Justice for Shifa and Haris Support Committee-Atlanta, Raleigh 7 Support Committee-Raleigh, NC, American Civil Liberties Union- Boston, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights, United for Justice with Peace- Boston, Boston Committee to Stop FBI Repression, and Boston UNAC

Please RSVP!
To RSVP or for questions please contact 517-505-1697

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Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin Habeas Denied

After six years the Habeas Corpus Petition of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (f/k/a H. Rap Brown) was denied last week. More information will be forthcoming, including ways people can provide assistance, in near future, Insha'llah. Please keep Imam Jamil and his family in your prayers.

International Committee in Support of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (ICISIJAA)

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All Power to the People