Defending Our Communities from Federal Repression

Thursday, Dec 10th at 6:30pm
Lewis Room, Cambridge Public Library
45 Pearl St. Central Sq, Cambridge

What do you do when the FBI comes knocking at your door? Do you know what your rights are and how to assert them?

Join a discussion of federal repression in the Muslim and Arab communities, with a focus on the case of Tariq Mehanna.

Panelists will also discuss the history of repression against the Black Liberation and Puerto Rican independence movements, highlighting strategies of self defense that have worked in the past.

This event will include video excerpts with legal information on how to protect yourself, your family, and your community.

**Co-sponsored by the Free Tariq Committee and Jericho Boston**

*The Cambridge Public Library is not a sponsor of this event.*


In spite of the terrible weather and some changes in our programming and schedule, Fight the Power 2 was a great success and tremendous learning opportunity. We want to thank everyone who came through and made the conference what it was. Special thanks to our invited guests, facilitators and performers for supporting the work we do and sharing their knowledge and talent. Most importantly thank you to all the youth who for whom this conference was organized, you and your passion for revolution, coming out on a rainy (and snowy) Saturday gives us hope for the future.

Stay tuned for more information and photos / video from the event.

Fight the Power 2 - Final Details

Fight the Power 2 is tomorrow! Here are the full details about tomorrow's workshops, schedule, location and performers. Any questions or problems, call 617-334-4937.


John D. Obryant African American Institute
Northeastern University.
40 Leon St. West Village F.
Boston, MA, 02115


12:30-Set Up/Organizing
2:00PM- Introduction
3:00pm-4:15pm - Workshop Sessions 1

A) Struggle for Bilingual Education
B) Women in the Struggle
C) Hip Hop and Media as a Tool for Revolution

4:30pm-5:50pm - Workshop Sessions 2

A) Know your rights
B) Hip Hop and Media as a Tool for Revolution
C) Why We Fight? Rise of the original Man

6-7:30pm - Announcements/Food/Networking/Survey
7:45pm-9:45pm - Performers/Edutainment
9:45pm-10:00pm - Clean up


A) Struggle for Bilingual Education
Lissette Castillo, a Spanish for Native Speakers teacher at Fenway High School, discusses the Struggle for inclusion of bilingual education in our school system.

B) Women in the Struggle
This workshop will provide a space to define and discuss the system of male supremacy/patriarchy and its affect specifically on women of color. The workshop will also give participants a chance to learn about little known women leaders in liberation movements.

C) Hip Hop and Media as a Tool for Revolution
Hip-Hop is one of the most influential cultural forces in today's media, yet often it promotes negative stereotypes and lifestyles within our communities. Find out how Hip-Hop can and is being utilized to promote a message of social upliftment and revolution and how other media tools can be used for grassroots organizing around social justice issues.


A) Know Your Rights
Lalit Clarkson from the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement presents Knowing Your Rights in a Police Encounter, strategies and suggestions for how to deal with the police and know how to protect yourself and your rights. The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people and promote self-determination in our community.

B) Hip Hop and Media as a Tool for Revolution
Hip-Hop is one of the most influential cultural forces in today's media, yet often it promotes negative stereotypes and lifestyles within our communities. Find out how Hip-Hop can and is being utilized to promote a message of social upliftment and revolution and how other media tools can be used for grassroots organizing around social justice issues.

C) Why We Fight? Rise of the Original Man
Many young people in poor neighborhoods are descendants of some of the greatest nations in history yet few walk with the noble yet humble understanding of the ancient wisdom that should guide our daily walk through life. What made us resilient enough to survive oppression, colonization, and slavery, in addition to natural disaster and death, without loosing our sense of humanity? Could it be that, like other ethnocultural groups around the globe, we need to utilize those ancient tools as protective factors against today's hazards? Perhaps they will even help us thrive... Rise of the Original Human.


Hosted by: Andre Sparrow
Andre Sparrow is a 26 year old Boston native and has been performing spoken word and poetry around the city for past 4 years. He also teaches poetry and spoken word workshops and seeks to show how art can be used to promote a positive message.

Also Featuring: Natural Bliss
She goes by Natural Bliss, a name coined out of the notion that she needed no foreign stimuli to attain a mental state of utopia on earth. Upon vibing with the 57 passionate lyricist it is clearly evident that the name is suiting. She is as passionate about Hip-Hop, its past, present and future as she is about the plight of Black people across the globe, which already differentiates her from a slew of women in Hip-Hop. Natural Bliss is the preeminent female emcee in her hometown of Boston. Representing herself and others like her since 1993 she has taken the underground style from the male dominated ciphers and introduced it to female emcees, proving that it is not testosterone that makes one ill, but that ones skill is all in the mind.

The Foundation Movement
On February 27, 2003, the City of Boston declared the day “Foundation Day” The City of Boston not only honored the group for their musical talent, but also recognized Foundation Movement for their commitment to the community and for making positive changes in a city with a history of violence, racism, segregation, and political corruption.

Catch Wreck
Boston and Voices of Liberation's own up and coming conscious MC, Catch Wreck was born and raised in Roxbury and his music comes from the reality faced by its listeners and sheds light on what it means to not simply be a youth of color in the world today but also to be a voice of dissent in an industry of artists willing to place marketability before self-respect and integrity.

Deema Faisal
VOL's own Deema Faisal is a Spoken Word artist and Poet, who has performed at numerous local events and cyphers. Known for her pieces addressing the struggles in her homeland of Palestine, Deema uses her words to present powerful messages of liberation and justice.

Tatiana Barksdale
Tatiana is a powerful young poet and organizer representing Voices of Liberation. Currently a student at Fenway High School, Tatiana has performed throughout the city, utilizing spoken word to address injustice in all forms.

Urban Nerdz (The UN)
The Urban Nerdz are a collective group of three young talented males from different environments that come together and comprise future virtuosos in the game. The distinctive originality that The U.N portrays is what helps separate them and stand astray from the normal and usual group in music.


Urbano Winter Brew Event

Spoken Word - Dance - Artmaking - Performance - Refreshments
December 17th - 6:00-8:00PM
29 Germania St. Jamaica Plain, MA
JP Brewery Complex at the Stony Brook T Stop


RSVP to Fight the Power II via Facebook

You can now RSVP for the Fight the Power II, see who is coming, download flyers and posters and more at the Fight the Power II Facebook Event.


Fight the Power Performers, Workshops and Schedule

Fight the Power, our second annual youth liberation conference is taking place on Saturday December 5, 2009 from 2-10PM at the John D. Obryant African American Institute at Northeastern University - 40 Leon St. West Village F, Boston MA 02115.


Deema Faisal

Tatiana Barksdale



Knowing Your Rights in a Police Encounter
Lalit Clarkson (Malcolm X Grassroots Movement)

The Struggle for Bilingual Education
Lissette Castillo

Women in the Struggle
Deema Faisal (VOL)

Courtney Grey

Afro Latino Roots
Sister Deborah and Eddy

Hip-Hop as a Tool for Social Change
Jesse Winfrey (VOL)

Conference Schedule

2:00-2:30 Arrival / Refreshments (Cabral Center)
2:30-3:00 Intro

3:00-4:15 Workshops 1, 2, 3 (classrooms 114, 116, 118)

4:30-5:45 Workshops 4, 5, 6 (classroom 116, library, conference room)

6:00-7:00 Chill/Build session (Cabral Center)

7:30-10:00 Show (Cabral Center)
With special guest Sabreena Da Witch

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Thursday, November 26, 2009
12 Noon - Cole’s Hill
(the hill above Plymouth Rock) Plymouth, MA

For More Information Contact:
United American Indians of New England/LPSG
Pot-luck Social to Follow

Since 1970, Native Americans have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning onthe US thanksgiving holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.


Fight the Power II

Voices of Liberation and Brothers About Change Present: Fight the Power II - Our Second annual youth liberation conference. This years theme is: Hip-Hop Resistance - Uniting Local and Global Struggles.

Join us on December 5th from 2-10pm for workshops, speakers, hip-hop /spoken word performances, networking, and more at the John D. Obryant African American Institute at Northeastern University.

40 Leon St. West Village F. Boston, MA, 02115

This is a FREE conference and we will be providing refreshments throughout the day. We invite all people of all ages to come through and participate, politic, build with other people and share your perspective.

We still have openings for organizations that wish to participate, lead a workshop, set up a table or get on board. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, do not hesitate to call us at 617.334.4937.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tompkins County Public Library
101 East Green Street
Ithaca, New York
11 AM - 4 PM

The Fourth Annual Central New York Locks Conference will embrace the beauty of natural hair throughout the African diaspora while challenging the criminalization of communities of color


Join us as we celebrate LOVE for self and community

The Fourth Annual Central New York Locks Conference will feature...

Ashanti Alston
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, NYC

Fred Hampton, Jr.
Prisoners of Conscience Committee, Chicago

Kazi Toure
Jericho Movement, Boston

Riders Against the Storm
Hip Hop On A Mission, Austin

Ronniesha Butler
Reconnections, Ithaca

Viviane Saleh-Hanna
Sistah Souljah, Providence

films, demos, hair tales, vendors, and much more....


Dame Pa’Matala in concert

The Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Boston, has the pleasure to invite you to the concert of “Dame Pa' Matala" ,Friday, October the 2nd at 8:00 p.m. in the Kresge audience of the Institute of Technologia de Massachusetts “MIT” (77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambrigde, MA 02139). Dame Pa' Matala will share the stage with Sabreena Da Witch,Natural Bliss,The Foundation.

About Dale Pa' Matala:


Influential Puerto Rican Activist Group the Young Lords Marks 40th Anniversary

This weekend marks the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the revolutionary community organizing group the Young Lords. The group called for self-determination for all Puerto Ricans, community control of institutions and land, freedom for all political prisoners and the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam, Puerto Rico and other areas. The Young Lords would also play a pivotal role in spreading awareness of Puerto Rican culture and history, leaving a legacy still felt today. We play excerpts of the documentary Palante, Siempre Palante!: The Young Lords and speak to three of the group’s original members: Luis Garden Acosta, Mickey Melendez, and Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzalez. [includes rush transcript]

To read, listen to, or watch the whole story:


RBG Flag Raising - August 17

As part of the Boston Black August Celebration, Voices of Liberation, & the Young Gifted & Black Movement Present the Red Black and Green Flag Raising.

August 17, 2009
2:00-3:00 PM
Boston City Hall
Piemonte Room


FTP II Postponed

Given Scheduling conflicts with the West Indian Festival and not wanting to make people choose between the conference and that, the Fight the Power II Youth Liberation Conference is officially postponed. Stay tuned for further notice.


Young Gifted & Black VI

Young Gifted and Black - The 6th Revolution

Part of Boston's 2009 Black August Celebration

Saturday August 15, 2009
6:00-9:00 PM
Doors Open at 5:30 PM

@ Origination Culural Arts Center
11 Walnut Park, Roxbury, MA 02119

$5 Admission

With performances by:
For more info contact VCR at 617-480-7663 or


Fight the Power II

The Second Fight the Power Conference is jumping off Saturday August 29, 2009 at the Codman Square Tech. Center.

Come check out a day of Workshops, Chill & Build Sessions, Performances, Hip-Hop & Poetry Open Mic, A Panel Discussion and Much More. Stay tuned for a full list of speakers, performers & participants.

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Youth Demands

We demand an immediate stop to the killing. We can lose no more of our peers to street violence! Black, Latino, Cape Verdean, Caribbean, Asian, we have all lost someone and enough is enough. We cannot continue to kill each other.

We demand a stop to the flow of guns and drugs into our communities.

We are tired of being criminalized by the system. We demand a stop to Bill 4293 and an end to curfews and public loitering crackdowns.

We demand drastic reforms to the education in Boston. We demand education that is culturally relevant, accurate, adequate, and prepares us for college and economic empowerment. We demand adequate resources in the schools we attend. We demand support for undocumented youth wishing to attend higher education. We demand an end to the unfair MCAS test. We do not want our schools being patrolled by the Boston public schools police which is controlled by the Boston Police Department. We demand a stop to the school to prison pipeline. We want no more military recruiters in our schools and community centers. We demand more teachers of color.

We demand access to stable adequate employment. We demand an end to the unjust CORI laws. We demand more funding for job opportunities for all youth from all neighborhoods

We demand an end to police brutality. We are tired of being automatically targeted and harassed by the Boston Police. We demand an end to racial profiling. We demand an end to unprovoked physical and verbal assault from the Boston Police Department.


1 - Education
Education is essential to an individual’s development. Everyone deserves the right to a decent, balanced education that is culturally relevant, accurate, and preparatory for economic empowerment. The Public Education System in the United States fails miserably at providing us with those tools necessary for success and so it is up to us to educate ourselves. Voices of Liberation recognizes the difference between schooling and education. True education is not offered to us in the schools and institutions we attend, however, schooling is necessary for us to complete in order to gain access to the resources that will help us to better our communities.

2 - Media
Voices of Liberation is well aware of the media’s profound influence on the public in today’s society. Media is a tool. So far, the enemy has used this tool to stereotypically misrepresent our people and paint a false image of the real world. We must use this tool to tell the real story and raise the consciousness of our people.

3 - Police
The police are an occupying force in our communities. They are no friend to us and they are not to be trusted. The first police in the nation were trained to act as kidnappers and slave catchers and even today they specifically target people of color. Know your enemy.

4 - Immigration
No human being is illegal. Artificial borders and lines should not dictate where a person is designated to live. Voices of Liberation strongly opposes unjust immigration and deportation laws.

5 - Reparations / Social Justice
The United States was founded on injustice. We cannot forget that it was built on stolen land with stolen labor. There is no justice as long as we continue to live on stolen land. The United States owes the descendants of those stolen from Africa for their forced contribution to the development of this country.

6 - War and Imperialism
Voices of Liberation is against the use of war as a means to spread imperialism. Imperialism is an act by any neo-colonial power or structure that uses its military/economic/social/political force to exploit and profit at the expense of indigenous nations. We strongly oppose all wars created in the name of imperialism.

7 - Unity
The only way we are to survive and win is through unity. We need to remain united; division is our enemy’s greatest weapon against us.

8 - Youth Violence
We demand an immediate end to the self-destructive phenomenon of violence within our communities. We cannot afford to lose any more of our peers to street violence. Black, Latino, Cape Verdean, Caribbean, Asian, we have all lost someone and enough is enough. We cannot continue to kill each other if we are to survive and thrive.

9 - Self Defense
Everyone has a right to defend themselves, our people are no exception. If we are attacked, we react. There is no other way to survive.

10 - Peace
Peace is something we all would like to see in the world, however, peace cannot exist without justice. As long as there is no justice in the world there will be no peace. Justice includes equal rights, equal access to resources and opportunities.

11 - Basic Human Rights
Everyone deserves access to the basic resources that everybody needs: healthcare, food, clothes, shelter and education.

12 - Self-Sufficiency
Voices of Liberation believes in the power of our communities to reclaim control of our lives, resources, and neighborhoods by becoming independent from the institutions and industries that continue to marginalize and harm us.


The mission of Voices of Liberation is to up rise and uplift the community. We live in communities often fraught with negative and destructive influences; our goal is to create meaningful positive social change and improve the conditions that exist in our communities.

Know Your Rights Workshop

Voices of Liberation together with the Blackstonian Community News Service, the New Black Panther Party Boston and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement are organizing a "Know Your Rights" workshop - empowering people with strategies for dealing with police and knowledge of the rights and proections garunteed by law.

Saturday, August 22 @ 3PM

Codman Sq. Tech Center
450 Washington St. Dorchester, MA 02124

For more info:

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Fight the Power II - Save the Date

Fight the Power II Youth Liberation Conference

Think Globally - Act Locally

August 29 -30 2009
Location TBA

For More Info:


Through Barbed Wire Presents: A Poetry Reading Sharing the writings of men and women confined within Massachusetts prisons.

Through Barbed Wire Presents:

A Poetry Reading

Sharing the writings of men and women
confined within Massachusetts prisons.

Join us and bring friends

Friday, June 26, 2009,
From 7 to 9:30 pm

Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston Street, Boston MA 02116
(Copley Square T Stop)

Refreshments will be available

Contributions greatly appreciated


Please join us the 4th Friday of every month!¨



Voices of Liberation & Qawem Coalition present!

fundraiser and open mic to build for
FIGHT THE POWER 2, a youth liberation conference at the end of August.

plus you and your friends, if you get there early to sign up, or e-mail ahead.

around the corner from orange line stoneybrook stop

All ages. $5 - 15 suggested donation.
No one turned away if you can't pay.



Saturday, May 23rd, 7pm
African Liberation Reception
*Greet *Meet & more...
TENT CITY130 Darthmouth St, Boston(Orange Line to Backbay)

Sunday, May 24th, 11am-5pm
African Liberation Festival
*Music *Arts * Crafts *Food & more ...
BOSTON COMMON(Beacon & Charles St, Boston)

Monday, May 25th, 8am
African Liberation Breakfast
*Keynote address *Q&A *Networking & more ...
175 Ruggles St, Roxbury


Forum on: BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT AND SANCTIONS to end the Israeli Occupation of Palestine

Speaker: Nancy MurrayRespondent: Martin Federman

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 7 PMFriends Meeting House, 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge

In 2005, over 100 Palestinian civil society groups called for “international civil society organizations and people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era” In response to this call, many groups around the country are engaged in boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) efforts, which are having an impact. Come to a forum to learn more about BDS and the “Hang Up on Motorola” campaign and to discuss whether this campaign might be an effective tool to help bring peace to the Middle East.


Demonstrate against AIPAC!

Sunday, May 17, 4:30 p.m.
outside Westin Copley Place Hotelcorner of Huntington Ave. and Dartmouth St.BostonPlease stand with us to protest AIPAC at its 10th Annual New England Leadership Dinner outside the Westin Copley Place Hotel.For more information, contact Martin at 617-480-1961.


Second Annual Memorial Day for Peace; Protest AIPAC

Monday, May 25, 2009, 12 noonChristopher Columbus Park, near Long Wharf,Atlantic Ave. BostonDirections from Aquarium T stop:Follow the signs in the station for Waterfront and Aquarium. As you exit the T station, turn right on Atlantic Ave. and turn right again after passing the Long Wharf Marriott. Enter the park, pass Tia’s restaurant, and the gathering will be at the harbor near Long Wharf.


Saturday, May 9th 2009 - CONSCIOUS CAFE

Saturday, May 9th 2009

OrigiNation, Inc. presents
Spoken Word That Feeds The Soul!

@ OrigiNation Cultural Arts Center
11 Walnut Park, Roxbury / Egleston Sq.
(next to LaundroMax - building behind Citgo gas station)

6;30pm - 8:00pm / $10.00 tickets

(world renown Spoken Word artist / motivational speaker)

Also appearances by NIA DANCE TROUPE

And special guest poets LISA LEE, DEEMA FAISAL and VCR

Proceeds to benefit the 2009 Youth Empowerment Through The Arts Tour to Dakar, Senegal


Latin@ Forum

Latin@ Forum
Cinco De Mayo
Northeastern University
John D. Obryant African American Institute
Amilcar Cabral Center
40 Leon st. West Village F Boston, MA, 02115


13th Annual Mothers’ Walk for Peace

(Dorchester, Mass.) – Join Jim Braude of WTKK Radio and NECN, Elected officials, Youth Workers, Young People, The Faith Community, Survivors, The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute and people across Massachusetts and New England as they prepare for the 13th Annual Mothers’ Walk for Peace, a fundraiser to support families statewide who have lost loved ones to violence. It takes place on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10th, starting at Field’s Corner in Dorchester. Registration starts at 7:00 a.m. The walk route stretches approximately 3.6 miles from Town Field Park in Fields Corner through Codman Square and ending back at Town Field Park—all in Dorchester.


2009 May Day Rally: International Worker's Day: We Voted for Change, Today We Make Our Demands! Respect the Dignity of Immigrant Workers!

Rally starts at:
East Boston @ 2:30pm in Central Square/East Boston
proceeds to
Chelsea @ 3:00pm - City Hall Chelsea
proceeds to
Everett @ 4:30 - 6:00 - Glendale Park
50 Elm Street, Everett

Speakers and performances in Everett.

Event Organized by the:
May 1st Coalition of Chelsea, East Boston and Everett (Chelsea Collaborative, EBECC and La Comunidad Inc.)
For more information please call the Chelsea Collaborative at (617) 889-6080

Co-sponsored by:
AFSC/Project Voice, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Arlington Street Church/Social Action Committee, Boston CISPES, Boston Interpreters Collective, Boston May Day Coalition, Boston School Bus Driver’s Union, Brazilian Immigrant Center, Cambridge United for Justice with Peace, Chelsea United Against the War, Centro Presente, Community Action Agency of Somerville, CORES, City Life/Vida Urbana, Jobs with Justice, LUMA, MataHari: Eye of the Day, MIRA Coalition, Student Immigrant Movement, Proyecto HondureƱo, and Women’s Fightback Network. (sponsorship list growing)!


Hip Hop & Resistance in 2009 - Open Mic April 10

Open Mic - Hip Hop & Resistance in 2009
Friday, April 10 - 7:30PM
Spontaneous Celebrations 45 Danforth St. Jamaica Plain, MA 02130


Poder Latin@

VOL & Aspira Presents:
Poder Latin@ - April 3 - East Boston


Events In March

Saturday- March 7, 2009
Emerging Black Leaders Conference, Tufts University, 9am-5pm
Talib Kweli-Keynote speaker

Thursday- March 12, 2009
Teen Empowerment Cafe

Friday- March 13, 2009
Art is Action Youth Leadership Conference, Mass College of Art and Design 8:30-2pm
VOL workshop- Media as a Tool for Revolution

Saturday- March 14, 2009
Women's Fight Back Network: Women Rise Up! Sistah Summit @ Roxbury Community College Cafeteria 1-4pm

Sunday- March 15, 2009
Young Gifted and Black showcase @ Originations Cultural Center 3pm-5pm, Egleston Square

Friday- March 27, 2009
QAWEM Fundraiser for Gaza 7pm location TBA

Saturday- March 28, 2009
Revolutionary Reels presented by Reflect and Strengthen 2pm @ Teen Empowerment office Egleston Square
The Murder of Fred Hampton

Tuesday- March 31
Soulkore presents X-Clan and Medusa @ Harpers Ferry


Noam Chomsky Speaking in Boston

Wednesday January 21 - 5:30 PM
Noam Chomsky speaking at Palestine Cultural Center
41 Quint Ave. Allston MA 02134


Candle Light Vigils In Cambridge Every Night for Palestine

-Thursdays - Tuesdays, 5 to 6pm, Harvard Square (in front of
Holyoke Place)

-Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6:30pm, Central Square (in conjunction with the
weekly Cambridge UJP vigil)


Counter Protest - Wednesday Jan. 14 - 5:30PM Copley Sq

Counter Protest to Pro-Israeli Rally
Wednesday January 14, 2009 - 5:30pm
Copley Sq. Boston

Free Gaza

All Power to the People