Centro Presente URGENT ACTION! To Denounce Massachusetts' Intention to Sign on to Secure Communities

Centro Presente

To Denounce Massachusetts' Intention to Sign on to Secure Communities

Since it was revealed in the summer that the City of Boston had been secretly participating in Secure Communities, Centro Presente, with the support of ACLU-Mass and AFSC-Project Voice, has been running a campaign to educate our community and allies about the effects of this program.

Come and support our campaign!

When: Wednesday, December, 22 at 11:00 a.m.
Where: In front of the Massachusetts State House

Supporters: AFSC Project VOICE, Brazilian Immigrant Center, Boston May Day Committee, Boston New Sanctuary Movement, Cambridge United for Justice with Peace, Centro Presente, Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), Greater Boston United for Justice with Peace, Immigrant Worker Center Collaborative (IWCC), Immigration Task Force of First Parish in Cambridge, Jobs With Justice - MA, Massachusetts Global Action, Matahari - Eye of the Day, Neighbors United for a Better East Boston (NUBE), Student Immigrant Movement and United for a Fair Economy.

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Peace Boston to Celebrate 5th Anniversary

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 marks Peace Boston's Fifth Anniversary, and will celebrate at the Great Hall in Codman Square, 6 Norfolk Street (next to the Health Center) at 5PM which is the same place they kicked off their first event (Peace in the Streets Vigil) on the same day 5 years ago.

The event is FREE and open to the public, but Peace Boston is asking participants for a $10 donation to the Peace Boston Movement. Those who donate will receive a gift. Peace gifts will also be on sale - just in time for the holidays!

Featuring the Premiere of the Peace Boston documentary and the "Best I Got" music video, Peace in the Streets Vigil, Performances, Presentations, and Refreshments.

Peace Boston is a movement that was created by members of the Hip-Hop community, youth workers and youth on December 21, 2005 in Boston, MA. The debut event was the "Peace in the Streets" vigil held in Dorchester, MA at the rise of youth violence in Boston.

Peace Boston’s Founding Members are:

  • The Academy of Public Service at the Dorchester Education Complex
  • The FloorLords Movement, Inc.
  • The Hip Hop Mecca Project
  • LisiVian, Inc.
  • Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
  • PLO Style Graphics
  • R.A.W. (Revealing Artistic Works)
  • Save the Youth Ministries
  • Showdown Youth Development Inc.’s Violence Free Zone Initiative
  • True Hiphop Culture Program
  • United Youth and Youth Workers of Boston

Peace Boston's united mission is to mobilize the arts, youth, and youth development communities to increase the peace in the city of Boston. Peace Boston practices the seven principles of Peace as encouraged by the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute: Love, Unity, Faith, Hope, Courage, Justice, Forgiveness and endeavors to promote peace through peer education, training, supporting activities, events, and initiatives that promote Peace.

For more information, please contact Peace Boston at peaceboston@gmail.com

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Jamaica Plain Walks for Peace 12/12/10/Jamaica Plain Camina por la Paz 12/12/10

Dear Neighbor,

Sadly, it takes a tragedy to impulse unity. As Boston residents, we need to take control of our community and unite forces to make Jamaica Plain a safer place to live. However, we can only do that if we work together. Please join us as we invoke a call to action starting now.

Sunday, December 12, 2010 at Noon a Mass for Peace at Our Lady of Lourdes located at 13 Montebello Rd, Jamaica Plain. Be part of the discussion and propose your solutions, let us make a plan together for fight crime and violence in our community.

Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 1:30 pm -Jamaica Plain Walk for Peace starting from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. We need to pave our roads with chants of peace and unity we cannot do it without you! (Subject to change due to weather and/or pending city approval)

En Espanol

Estimados Vecinos,

Lamentablemente, se necesita una tragedia para impulsar la unidad. Como residentes de Boston, tenemos que tomar el control de nuestra comunidad y unir nuestras fuerzas para hacer de Jamaica Plain un lugar seguro para vivir. Sólo podemos hacerlo juntos, por favor, únase a nosotros para evoca una llamada de acción a partir de ahora.

Domingo 12 de diciembre 2010 al mediodía una Misa por la Paz en Nuestra Señora de Lourdes situada en el 13 Montebello Road, Jamaica Plain. Sea parte del diálogo y proponga sus soluciones, vamos a hacer un plan en conjunto para luchar contra el crimen y la violencia en nuestra comunidad.

Domingo 12 de diciembre 2010 a las 1:30 pm - Jamaica Plain Caminata por la Paz, empezando desde Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Tenemos que trazar nuestras calles con cantos de paz y unidad no podemos hacerlo sin usted! (está sujeta a cambios debido al mal tiempo y/o la espera de la aprobación de la ciudad)

Maria Moreno
Yasmin Pereyra

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All Power to the People