The Role of Progressive People of Color in the Fight to End the School to Prison Pipeline

WHEN: Saturday, October 1, 1 - 4pm  

WHERE: Freedom House, 14 Crawford St, Dorchester, MA

As part of the DSC National Week of Action on School Pushout, the Commutation Project, BPON , Freedom House , NESRI  and Young People’s Projectwill host a community conversation titled “The Role of Progressive People of Color in the Fight to End the School to Prison Pipeline,” featuring guest speakers

  • Dhoruba Bin Wahad

  • Rafael Cancel Miranda

  • Liz Sullivan

  • Kazi Toure

  • Glenn Lloyd

  • Myriam Ortiz

For more information, contact BPON: 617-522-2766.

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Take Back Boston - March & Rally

This Friday, September 30, the Youth Jobs Coalition is part of a coalition to TAKE BACK OUR CITY from big banks and corporations that are killing our COMMUNITIES, JOBS, and ENVIRONMENT.

Take Back Boston - March & Rally
Friday, September 30
Arrive at Boston Common between 2:00-3:30

If you can't come by 3:30, meet us at Bank of America at
100 Federal Street, several blocks from Downtown Crossing
or South Station. (See attached map.)

Don't miss this rare opportunity for youth to:
- be part of a major, action-packed demonstration with national attention
- take action against corporate greed that is hurting families and youth across the nation
- get support in our fight for youth jobs from more than 1000 people

What are our demands?
Along with the Right to the City Coalition many other
organizations we will be demanding that banks and businesses:

* end consumer abuses
* pay their fair share of taxes so jobs and programs aren't cut
* stop evicting and foreclosing on families
* protect instead of destroy the environment
* protect jobs and worker rights

The Youth Jobs Coalition will also call on a big corporation that
has hired too few young people, to step up its support for youth jobs!

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Film Screening: Precious Knowledge


Fundraiser to support AZ Save Ethnic Studies

6pm-9pm:Film & Open Mic
When: October, 7, 2011
Film Screening: Precious Knowledge: Arizona's Battle over Ethnic Studies

Encuentro 5
33 Harrison Ave Fl.5
Boston, MA 02111

Pedro MontaƱez
FB:El Movimiento-The Movement for Ethnic Studies in BPS

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CALL TO ACTION: Stop Execution of Troy Anthony Davis #TOOMUCHDOUBT

4th Execution Date, Call to Action

NCADP.Org Call to Action

Amnesty International Call to Action

NAACP Help Save Troy Davis Call to Action

Troy Davis is on death row for the 1989 murder of police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, GA. Troy has always maintained his innocence, and there was never any physical evidence linking him to the crime. 7 out of the 9 non-police witnesses have since recanted or changed their testimony. New witnesses have come forth identifying another suspect.

Troy's life is in the hands of Georgia's Board of Pardon & Paroles, who has the power to grant Troy clemency.


1. Sign the Amnesty USA petition, asking the GA Board of Pardons & Parole to grant Troy clemency, and forward it to others.

2. Collect signatures on a download-able version of the petition.

3. If you are a lawyer or a legal professional: add your name to the legal professional sign-on letter

4. If you are a member of the clergy: add your name to the clergy sign-on letter.

5. If you have contacts with legal professionals or members of the clergy, forward them the sign-on letters and urge them to sign.

6. If you have contacts in Georgia, urge them to sign the petition or, sign-on letters (if they are legal professionals or members of the clergy.) It is important that the Board know that this issue matter to folks around the country and around the world--but especially that it matters to folks in Georgia.

7. 1 million Tweets for Troy!

If you are Twitter user than please consider tweeting for Troy.

Some sample tweets include:

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Reclaiming power and defending our communities: How YOU can protect yourself from profiling and preemptive prosecution

The panel presentation will focus on how the ‘War on Terror’ climate and its exploitative legal practices in the federal justice system have affected civil liberties and human rights of Arab, Muslim, African American, South Asian, and all immigrant communities.

Representatives from the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF), Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC), Project SALAM, Friends of Human Rights (FHR), Peace Thru Justice Foundation and others will be having a panel discussion about their political, social and legal campaigns around these very important issues to address how we can change these policies and build power for our communities.

Included in the panels are families who will share personal stories of struggles for justice. The goal of the program is to shed light on the conditions of families and communities suffering under the war on terror, mobilize our communities to change these repressive injunctions, and establish alliances across all communities for collective strength and positive social change.
To RSVP and co-sponsor the event contact

Exposing Preemptive Prosecution and Building Community Power
George Friday, Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Kathy Manley, Project SALAM and NCPCF
Faisal Hashmi, Muslim Justice Initiative and NCPCF
Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Masjid Al Hamdulillah, Boston, MA
Mauri Salaakhan, Peace Thru Justice Foundation and NCPCF

Families Speak! Resisting Preemptive Prosecution
Laila Yaghi, mother of Ziyad Yaghi, Raleigh, NC
Tamer Mehanna, brother of Tarek Mehanna, Boston, MA
Sharmin Sadequee, sister of Shifa Sadequee, Michigan
Kazi Toure, former political prisoner, Boston, MA

Visual presentation and documentary presented by Mel Underbakke of NCPCF, and the host of the program is Ashraf Nubani, Executive Director of NCPCF

Location and Time:
September 24, 2011
12 Noon - 5 PM
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, ISBCC
100 Malcolm X Blvd
Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120

Sponsor: National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF)

Co-sponsors include: Bill of Rights Defense Committee-BORDC, American Civil Liberties Union-ACLU-MA, Families United For Justice in America-FUJA, Project SALAM- NY, Friends of Human Rights-FL, Peace Thru Justice Foundation-MD, Free Tarek Mehanna Support Committee-Boston, Justice for Shifa and Haris Support Committee-Atlanta, Raleigh 7 Support Committee-Raleigh, NC, American Civil Liberties Union- Boston, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights, United for Justice with Peace- Boston, Boston Committee to Stop FBI Repression, and Boston UNAC

Please RSVP!
To RSVP or for questions please contact 517-505-1697

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Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin Habeas Denied

After six years the Habeas Corpus Petition of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (f/k/a H. Rap Brown) was denied last week. More information will be forthcoming, including ways people can provide assistance, in near future, Insha'llah. Please keep Imam Jamil and his family in your prayers.

International Committee in Support of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (ICISIJAA)

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Saturday, August 20th 2011

YGB Movement, Voices of Liberation, SCOPE Urban Apparel
& BloodSkinLand Productions
(in collaboration with Madison Park Development Corporation) presents
The 10th Revolution!
The bi-yearly youth explosion that consists of young local artists bringing an array of poetry, spoken word, rhyme, song, dance, etc.

@ Hibernian Hall
184 Dudley St. - 3rd floor
Roxbury/Dudley Sq.
(next to fire department & barber shop)

7:00pm - 9:00pm

$5.00 advanced tickets (w/convenience charge added)
$8.00 at the door

With performances by:
PORSHA-O w/guest
and more!!



Advanced tickets can be purchased online at

For more info contact VCR at 617-480-7663

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June 29 - Action To Save Youth Jobs in Boston

Photo from

Action at Boston City Hall: Final City Budget Vote
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 11:00 am
* City officials: Please bridge the gap to 10,000 jobs! *

After working on all other levels -- Federal, State, and private -- we are asking City officials to increase the budget to make sure we reach 10,000 jobs this summer. We are hoping to celebrate a budget that does that!

Please e-mail if you are planning to attend.

Funding for 1000 Jobs is at Stake at the State House!!!

What you can do to influence the House-Senate Conference Committee decisions on the $2.2 million at stake for funding youth jobs programs

The Senate passed funding for $2.2 million more than the House passed for youth jobs. Whether we get this funding for 1000 jobs or not depends on the decision of the House-Senate Conference Committee that will decide on this in by June 20

Here’s what you can do to help get these funds passed:

Write a letter and organize phone calls to your state Senator and State Representatives asking him/her to for the youth jobs funding at the higher levels passed by the Senate.

Since the Senate passed the HIGHER amount for the line item, ask your State Senator to speak to the Senate Ways and Means Chairman and the Senate President about supporting the higher amount passed by the other branch because of the need for this program.

Since the House passed the LOWER amount for the line item, ask your State Representative to speak to the House Ways and Means Chairman and the House Speaker about their staying with the higher amount passed by the House/Senate.

Given the state's on-going structural deficit because of both the Recession and tax breaks granted to most large corporations and wealthier people, it is worth also mentioning that you support the nedd for more tax revenue from fair tax increase on more well off people and examining corporate tax breasks, so they don't have to do so much budget cutting and what we need.

Send letters to Rep./Senator______, State House, Boston, MA 02133

Link to find out who your legislators are:

Budget Programs for House-Senate Conference Committee Decision

House Senate Line Item Number

1. YouthWorks Youth Jobs $2 M $3M 7002-0012

(plus $4 M additionally was passed in the Supplemental Budget)

2. School to Career Youth Jobs $0 $1.2 M 7027-0019

(plus $2 M additionally was passed in the Supplemental Budget)

For more information contact, Youth Jobs Coalition (617) 822-1499 or (617) 825-4200 x 117

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Youth Jobs Meeting - Thursday

We need you to plan and get involved
with our final month of action!

Monthly Morning Meeting
Thursday, June 9, 2011 -- 10:00 am
Dorchester Bay
594 Columbia Road, Uphams Corner
Coffee and Food Provided =)


Latino and Caribbean Immigrant Communities Commend Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick for Bringing an End to S-Comm in the Bay State

The National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)

June 6, 2011

Contact Person:
Xochitl Espinosa al (877) 683-2908, ext. 4 /

Latino and Caribbean Immigrant Communities Commend Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick for Bringing an End to S-Comm in the Bay State.

Chicago, IL - Today's announcement the Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick to suspend the state's participation in the anti-immigrant federal program erroneously named "Secured Communities (S-Comm)," represents a positive step in recognizing immigrant communities, regardless of immigration status, as members of the social and economic fabric of communities throughout the Bay State and the nation.

"The hard work done by our immigrant community, led by Centro Presente and allied organizations, since the summer of 2010 has finally paid off," declared Patricia Montes, Executive Director of Centro Presente, the leading immigrant community-based organization that fought to bring S-Comm to an end in the Bay state. "Immigrant communities in Massachusetts and throughout the country appreciate and admire the courage of Governor Deval Patrick in bringing S-Comm to an end," added Ms. Montes. "As a result of this decision, we now have a good chance in rebuilding the trust that must exist between members of communities and the police without having fear of repercussion because of one's immigration status," continued Ms. Montes.

"S-Comm has sought to divide communities by advancing a false paradigm of us vs. them. Immigrant communities, especially in a state like Massachusetts, have always been an asset, especially when it pertains to the well being and progress of all residents," continued Ms. Montes. "Today's announcement should inspire everyone to seek solutions to challenges that affect everyone (native or foreign born) in which mutual understanding and harmony are strengthened. We are ALL Massachusetts, we are ALL American," concluded Ms. Montes.

" S-Comm is an example of the wrong approach taken by our federal government when it pertains to the treatment of immigrants, and it should be suspended once and for all," stated Oscar Chacon, Executive Director of the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC), an alliance of immigrant-led organizations from around the country. " Governor Patrick's bold decision follows a similar one taken by the Governors of Illinois and New York. These represent important steps toward the detoxification of the way in which we have been talking about immigrants and immigration policy in our country up to now," continued Mr. Chacon. "If our federal government is to lead on resolving matters related to immigrants and immigration policy, President Obama must come to grips with the fact that our current law is broken, wasteful and inhumane. Blindly enforcing such a law is simply immoral," added Mr. Chacon.

"The separation of immigrant families must come to an end immediately; President Obama has the authority to make it happen. At the end of the day, our nation is in urgent need of a new alternative on how to deal with immigrants. Our leaders must come up with a new vision with policies that reflect the universal principles embedded in our nation's declaration of independence and constitution and that include the contributions of immigrant communities and the economic interests of most Americans," concluded Mr. Chacon.

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Dialogue on Education & Immigration with Dr. William Perez

Friday, April 29th

3pm – 4:30pm
Larsen 203

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Dr. William Perez, Professor of Immigration & Education at Claremont Graduate University in California will be guest lecturing at the Harvard Graduate school of education to discuss the current immigration climate in addition to exploring the implications of being undocumented relative to mental health issues and how we can prepare to serve the unique needs of undocumented students.

Dr. Perez is the author of “We ARE Americans: Undocumented Students Pursuing the American Dream” Winner of the 2009 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Mildred Garcia Prize for Exemplary Research.

Please RSVP:
Dialogue with Dr. Perez (SIGN UP)

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May 6 - Night of Resistance

El Movimiento / The Movement Presents:

Friday May 6th
5:30 PM

33 Harrison St.
Boston MA

$3 at the Door - Food Included

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Centro Presente to host Rep. Luis Gutierrez visit to MA


Centro Presente to host
Rep. Luis Gutierrez visit to MA

WHEN: Sunday, April 3rd at 11:00 A.M.

WHERE: La Casa de la Cultura, 202 Maverick Street, East Boston, MA

Rep. Gutierrez has been at the forefront of the effort to pass historic, bipartisan immigration reform legislation and helped guide the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act to passage in the House of Representatives in 2010. He is doing a multi-city tour to raise the visibility of the toll of deportations on immigrant families and communities.

We are going to have:
Testimonies of immigrant families affected by the current immigration policy
Testimonies of Local Elected Officials that are advocating against S-COMM

For more information please contact:
Patricia Montes, 617 959 3108
JosƩ Palma, 617 629 47 31 ext 233

Centro Presente is a state-wide, membership-based Latino immigrant organization that advocates for immigrant rights and for economic and social justice through the integration of community organizing, leadership development and basic services.




WHERE: Boston City Hall
Rally at 3:30pm
Hearing at 5:00pm

Invest in Boston's Future – Let’s work to ensure funding for Summer Youth Jobs!

As a City we are facing massive cuts from the federal government. Everything is on the table for possible cuts. Please join us at this rally, followed by a hearing, as we make it clear that summer youth employment is vital to our City.
For more information please contact: Stuart Rosenberg at or Rosy Gonzalez at or by phone at 617.635.4205

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Mar. 26th @ 6pm BRING DOWN THE WALLS! Night of music to honor our Political Prisoners

A night of music & art to honor our political prisoners/pows!

Saturday, March 26th @ 6pm
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston Street

$5-15 sliding scale

Performances by:
Taina Asili y La Banda Rebelde
Evan Greer & Friends
Born In A Cent

Join us for a night of Revolutionary Music, Reflection Wall, Food, Socializing and REMEMBERANCE!
Hear updates/statements from Political Prisoners including Mumia Abu Jamal, Imam Jamil Al-Amin and more!

A flyer for this event is available here:

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4/3 Silence Broken - Legacies of Repression & Resistance

Silence Broken
Legacies of Repression & Resistance

Sunday April 3rd 2011
Northeastern University
Curry Student Center - 346 Huntington Ave.

Workshops * Socializing * Panel * Food * Music

Speakers include:

Ashanti Alston - Former Black Liberation Army Political Prisoner and steering committee member of the National Jericho Movement
Marta Rodriguez - Puerto Rican independence activist and member of the New England Committee to Defend Palestine
Jihad Abdul Mummit - Former Black Liberation Army Political Prisoner and chair of the National Jericho Movement
Viviane Saleh-Hanna - Activist Scholar and Assistant Professor of Crime and Justice Studies at the UMass Dartmouth
Jason Lydon - Minister of the Community Church of Boston as well as anti-racist, abolitionist, queer liberation organizer
Mauri Saalakhan - Director of Operations for The Peace And Justice Foundation; a Muslim-led, grassroots human rights organization.

Performances by:

Taina Asili y La Banda Rebelde
Tem Blessed
& more

This will be a one day community-building educational event featuring interactive workshops, a panel discussion, time for socializing and networking, and performances by some of the region's best movement artists. The conference will bring together student activists with community members to present a diverse array of voices and an alternative discourse about FBI repression, political prisoners, and the struggle for liberation.

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Public Condemnation of statements made by Jim Carnell of Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association and Editor of The Pax Centurion

We, Concerned Citizens, Community Activists, Voting and Tax Paying Residents of Boston, join together to publicly condemn statements made by James Carnell of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association (BPD Union) and Editor of the Pax Centurion (BPD Union Newspaper).

In the current Jan/Feb Edition of the Pax Centurion (Vol. 41 No. 1), Jim Carnell refers to the young 16 yr. old Roxbury boy who was the subject of a much publicized arrest at Roxbury Community College as a “scumbag”, Carnell further goes on to characterize the young woman who filmed the video, as is her right, as an “intellectually bereft dolt”.

The entire article is fraught with sentiments that are particularly disturbing as James Carnell is a sworn officer on active duty in the Boston Police Department. Carnell’s statements are not at all helpful to the Boston Police Department which has made recent attempts to repair and strengthen its relationship with Black, Latino & Cape Verdean communities.

More from:

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Framing the Innocent: Crimes Under Color of Law at the Massachusetts US Attorney's Office

Thursday, March 24

Framing the Innocent: Crimes Under Color of Law at the Massachusetts
US Attorney's Office

7 pm
Northeastern University School of Law
240 Dockser Hall
65 Forsyth St.
Boston, MA

Come hear from Councilor Chuck Turner, the author of Boston's
Transgender Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, on the evening before he
goes to jail due to FBI repression of political activists.

Chuck Turner--Five-term Boston City Councilor representing Roxbury and
Dorchester, and a lifetime activist for social justice, recently
targeted by the FBI and the Massachusetts US Attorney

Bob Boyle--Attorney representing many activists and political
prisoners targeted by the FBI's infamous Counter-Intelligence Program

Laila Murad--Organizer from the Tarek Mehanna Support Committee

Michael Avery--Professor of Law, Suffolk Law School, won a landmark
civil suit against the Boston FBI on behalf of four men wrongfully
convicted of murder

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March 19 anti-war action

Saturday, March 19 at 12 noon
From Boston to Baghdad: End the Occupation!
Fight for Jobs & Education! Say 'No' to Racism!

Rally and March
Southwest Corridor Park at Ruggles Station
MBTA: Orange Line
(click here for map)

The momentum is building for the March 19 anti-war actions. In less than two weeks, demonstrations will take place across the country to mark the 8th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. In Boston, we will gather for a rally at Southwest Corridor Park at Ruggles station followed by a march.

Eight years after the U.S. invasion, Iraq remains occupied by tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers and foreign mercenaries. The war in Afghanistan rages on. Now, the U.S. government and its allies are setting their eyes on oil-rich Libya as a potential next target.

The wars abroad are directly connected to the war on poor and working people at home. Thirty million people in the U.S. remain unemployed or severely underemployed. Unions in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere are fighting to survive. Yet the government will spend $1 trillion for war, occupation and weapons in 2011 alone.

Our communities in Boston, too, are under attack. Mayor Menino's hand-picked School Committee has moved to close seventeen schools and are pushing additional cutbacks. Police brutality and racial profiling continue to plague Black and Latino neighborhoods, yet 7 out of the 10 highest paid city employees are Boston police officers. More than $30 million were spent to build a state-of-the-art police station in Roxbury.

Gov. Patrick is trying to bring the anti-immigrant law enforcement program “Secure Communities” program to Massachusetts, and gentrification continues to push working families out of communities like Jamaica Plain.

It doesn’t have to be this way! From Egypt and Tunisia to Wisconsin and Ohio, people are fighting back. Now more than ever it is clear that our movement must stay in the streets. Join us on March 19th for a rally and march to say "From Boston to Baghdad: End the Occupation! Fight for Jobs and Education! Say 'No' to Racism!"


Framing the Innocent: Crimes Under Color of Law at the Massachusetts US Attorney's Office

Framing the Innocent:
Crimes Under Color of Law at the Massachusetts US Attorney's Office

When: Thursday, March 24, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Northeastern University School of Law
240 Dockser Hall (65 Forsyth St., Boston)


Chuck Turner--Five-term Boston City Councilor representing Roxbury
and Dorchester, and a lifetime activist for social justice,
recently targeted by the FBI and the Massachusetts US Attorney

Bob Boyle--Attorney representing many activists and political
prisoners targeted by the FBI's infamous Counter-Intelligence

Laila Murad--Organizer from the Tarek Mehanna Support Committee

Michael Avery--Professor of Law, Suffolk Law School, won a landmark
civil suit against the Boston FBI on behalf of four men wrongfully
convicted of murder


Over the past few years, an atrocious history of government
misconduct at the Massachusetts US Attorney's office has emerged in
the court record, but few people have heard about it.

In the case Ferrara v. US, the court found that US Assistant
Attorney Jeffrey Auerhahn worked with an FBI agent to coerce a
witness into maintaining false testimony, withheld evidence of the
witness's recantation from defense counsel, and perjured himself in
court. Other members of the office have

--Withheld information about misconduct by FBI agents

--Consistently and deliberately withheld evidence of the innocence
of defendants from defense counsel and from the court

The head of the Massachusetts US Attorney's office has shielded
assistants and acted to cover-up government misconduct. Auerhahn
was given responsibility to prosecute "terrorism" cases, where he
continues to handle government informants and "cooperating

The Massachusetts US Attorney has also demonstrated a clear set of
political priorities: contempt for basic civil liberties and due
process rights; an anti-immigrant agenda; selective prosecution of
black political leaders; and the prosecution of an overwhelming
number of indigent defendants and people of color.

Although the US Attorney's office has extraordinary power, people
who are concerned about government abuses have paid comparatively
little attention to its role within the criminal justice system.

Come participate in a public discussion about the Massachusetts US
Attorney's Office and what we can do to hold it accountable to our

For more information, contact

Sponsored by

The Northeastern School of Law Chapters of the NLG (National
Lawyers Guild), EPIC (Ending the Prison Industrial Complex),
and BLSA (Black Law Student Association)

and by
Community Church of Boston, Boston ABC, Black and Pink

This message was distributed through, a list dedicated to the campaign to further expose the history of severe misconduct at the Massachusetts US Attorney's office. For more information and to subscribe visit the list homepage:


Boston schools hit with civil rights complaint

By Associated Press

BOSTON - A coalition of lawyers and educators has filed a federal civil rights complaint against the Boston public schools over a school closure plan it says discriminates against black and Latino students.

The Boston Bar Association’s lawyers’ committee for civil rights under law and the Black Educators’ Alliance of Massachusetts announced Monday that they have filed their complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

The complaint alleges that the district’s new "redesign and reinvest plan," which proposes to close several schools in the district, disproportionately affects black and Latino students since those schools are in largely minority neighborhoods.

But Boston Superintendent Carol Johnson said the schools slated for closure were selected because they are among the lowest chosen by families and have been struggling academically.

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FEB 24 - Youth Jobs March and Rally

Youth Jobs March & Rally
Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 12:00 pm
Old South Church (645 Boylston St) in Copley Square
Hundreds of youth and allies will call to prevent cuts to youth jobs. Join us!

Bimonthly Membership Meeting
Monday, February 21, 2011 at 1:00 pm
Followed by Signmaking Party/Open Mic at 3:00 pm
Spontaneous Celebrations (45 Danforth St) in Jamaica Plain
Join us for a final day of preparation for the action!

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AFRO-CINEMA (Tues., Feb. 22nd)

Tuesday, February 22nd 2011

VerBaLizAtiOn presents
An evening of important films being shown followed by a discussion about the film then an open mic thereafter, in celebration of Black History Month

@ Roxbury Center for the Arts at Hibernian Hall
184 Dudley St., Roxbury/Dudley Sq.
(next to fire department & barber shop)

7:00pm start / Free admission / all age event

Featured film:
Oscar nominee James Earl Jones stars as controversial paster Vernon Johns, one of the earliest voices of civil rights. In 1948, Johns served as the outspoken spiritual leader of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Incised at the racial injustice that prevaled the south, he was determined to fight foe equality for all African Americans. His refusal to accept segregation incited anger amongst local law enforcement and caused his family to fear for their lives. Johns held strong to his beliefs and encouraged his congregation to join him. But, the church council deemed him a troublemaker and he was voted out as pastor...only to be replaced by future civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr.

For more info contact VCR at 617-480-7663

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Race, Education & Democracy with Ernest Morrell

Ernest Morrell will be the lecturer for the Simmons College series on Race, Education & Democracy on March 15, 16, 17, 2011. 

See the web site

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HIP-HOP 9.1.1.

Save the Date

HIP-HOP 9.1.1.
Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Roxbury Community College Media Arts Center
1234 Columbus Ave., Roxbury, MA

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Fundraiser to support Ethnic Studies Campaign

Fundraiser to support Ethnic Studies Campaign
$5 - Dinner & Film & Open Mic


February 11, 2011

Encuentro 5
33 Harrison Ave Fl.5
Boston, MA 02111

Sasha De la Cruz

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Community Screen printing Event

Voices of Liberation, Pen and Sword and Scope Urban Apparel will be on the scene helping out with the screen printing portion.

Youth Regional Reportback from USSF on MLK Day

Last June, three buses packed with 150 youth activists and supporters rode to Detroit as part of the Northeast Freedom Rides delegation to the U.S. Social Forum (  We were from the Boston-area, Worcester, Lowell, Springfield, Providence, and more.  We built relationships, knowledge, movement, and power.  And we want to share it with you and the beautiful youth that you work with!!!

Please mark your calendar for the Youth Regional Reportback from USSF!!!  Youth from a handful of Boston organizations have been working on it.  The event will include time to hear about the trip to Detroit, connect with people from across this youth movement we're all part of, a massive potluck, video & media from the trip, screening our own radical t-shirts, raffles, open mic & performances, HIV testing, sharing our current work, and building...building...building the next stage of the youth movement.  Please come through!

Date: Monday, January 17th, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Time: 4:30-8:00pm
Location: Spontaneous Celebrations community center at 45 Danforth Street, Boston, MA 02130 (near Stony Brook Orange Line Stop)
Contact: Cindy Printemps: | 857-237-0201
Potluck: Bring whatever food you can!
Who: All the youth and orgs who were part of the Northeast Freedom Rides to Detroit and everyone else who's down with the youth movement!

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All Power to the People