June 29 - Action To Save Youth Jobs in Boston
Photo from YouthJobsCoalition.org
Action at Boston City Hall: Final City Budget Vote
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 11:00 am
* City officials: Please bridge the gap to 10,000 jobs! *
After working on all other levels -- Federal, State, and private -- we are asking City officials to increase the budget to make sure we reach 10,000 jobs this summer. We are hoping to celebrate a budget that does that!
Please e-mail info@youthjobscoalition.org if you are planning to attend.
Funding for 1000 Jobs is at Stake at the State House!!!
What you can do to influence the House-Senate Conference Committee decisions on the $2.2 million at stake for funding youth jobs programs
The Senate passed funding for $2.2 million more than the House passed for youth jobs. Whether we get this funding for 1000 jobs or not depends on the decision of the House-Senate Conference Committee that will decide on this in by June 20
Here’s what you can do to help get these funds passed:
Write a letter and organize phone calls to your state Senator and State Representatives asking him/her to for the youth jobs funding at the higher levels passed by the Senate.
Since the Senate passed the HIGHER amount for the line item, ask your State Senator to speak to the Senate Ways and Means Chairman and the Senate President about supporting the higher amount passed by the other branch because of the need for this program.
Since the House passed the LOWER amount for the line item, ask your State Representative to speak to the House Ways and Means Chairman and the House Speaker about their staying with the higher amount passed by the House/Senate.
Given the state's on-going structural deficit because of both the Recession and tax breaks granted to most large corporations and wealthier people, it is worth also mentioning that you support the nedd for more tax revenue from fair tax increase on more well off people and examining corporate tax breasks, so they don't have to do so much budget cutting and what we need.
Send letters to Rep./Senator______, State House, Boston, MA 02133
Link to find out who your legislators are: www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.php
Budget Programs for House-Senate Conference Committee Decision
House Senate Line Item Number
1. YouthWorks Youth Jobs $2 M $3M 7002-0012
(plus $4 M additionally was passed in the Supplemental Budget)
2. School to Career Youth Jobs $0 $1.2 M 7027-0019
(plus $2 M additionally was passed in the Supplemental Budget)
For more information contact, Youth Jobs Coalition (617) 822-1499 or (617) 825-4200 x 117
Labels: Boston , Budget , City , Summer Jobs , Youth , Youth Jobs