June 29 - Action To Save Youth Jobs in Boston

Photo from YouthJobsCoalition.org

Action at Boston City Hall: Final City Budget Vote
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 11:00 am
* City officials: Please bridge the gap to 10,000 jobs! *

After working on all other levels -- Federal, State, and private -- we are asking City officials to increase the budget to make sure we reach 10,000 jobs this summer. We are hoping to celebrate a budget that does that!

Please e-mail info@youthjobscoalition.org if you are planning to attend.

Funding for 1000 Jobs is at Stake at the State House!!!

What you can do to influence the House-Senate Conference Committee decisions on the $2.2 million at stake for funding youth jobs programs

The Senate passed funding for $2.2 million more than the House passed for youth jobs. Whether we get this funding for 1000 jobs or not depends on the decision of the House-Senate Conference Committee that will decide on this in by June 20

Here’s what you can do to help get these funds passed:

Write a letter and organize phone calls to your state Senator and State Representatives asking him/her to for the youth jobs funding at the higher levels passed by the Senate.

Since the Senate passed the HIGHER amount for the line item, ask your State Senator to speak to the Senate Ways and Means Chairman and the Senate President about supporting the higher amount passed by the other branch because of the need for this program.

Since the House passed the LOWER amount for the line item, ask your State Representative to speak to the House Ways and Means Chairman and the House Speaker about their staying with the higher amount passed by the House/Senate.

Given the state's on-going structural deficit because of both the Recession and tax breaks granted to most large corporations and wealthier people, it is worth also mentioning that you support the nedd for more tax revenue from fair tax increase on more well off people and examining corporate tax breasks, so they don't have to do so much budget cutting and what we need.

Send letters to Rep./Senator______, State House, Boston, MA 02133

Link to find out who your legislators are: www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.php

Budget Programs for House-Senate Conference Committee Decision

House Senate Line Item Number

1. YouthWorks Youth Jobs $2 M $3M 7002-0012

(plus $4 M additionally was passed in the Supplemental Budget)

2. School to Career Youth Jobs $0 $1.2 M 7027-0019

(plus $2 M additionally was passed in the Supplemental Budget)

For more information contact, Youth Jobs Coalition (617) 822-1499 or (617) 825-4200 x 117

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Youth Jobs Meeting - Thursday

We need you to plan and get involved
with our final month of action!

Monthly Morning Meeting
Thursday, June 9, 2011 -- 10:00 am
Dorchester Bay
594 Columbia Road, Uphams Corner
Coffee and Food Provided =)


Latino and Caribbean Immigrant Communities Commend Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick for Bringing an End to S-Comm in the Bay State

The National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)

June 6, 2011

Contact Person:
Xochitl Espinosa al (877) 683-2908, ext. 4 / xespinosa@nalacc.org

Latino and Caribbean Immigrant Communities Commend Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick for Bringing an End to S-Comm in the Bay State.

Chicago, IL - Today's announcement the Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick to suspend the state's participation in the anti-immigrant federal program erroneously named "Secured Communities (S-Comm)," represents a positive step in recognizing immigrant communities, regardless of immigration status, as members of the social and economic fabric of communities throughout the Bay State and the nation.

"The hard work done by our immigrant community, led by Centro Presente and allied organizations, since the summer of 2010 has finally paid off," declared Patricia Montes, Executive Director of Centro Presente, the leading immigrant community-based organization that fought to bring S-Comm to an end in the Bay state. "Immigrant communities in Massachusetts and throughout the country appreciate and admire the courage of Governor Deval Patrick in bringing S-Comm to an end," added Ms. Montes. "As a result of this decision, we now have a good chance in rebuilding the trust that must exist between members of communities and the police without having fear of repercussion because of one's immigration status," continued Ms. Montes.

"S-Comm has sought to divide communities by advancing a false paradigm of us vs. them. Immigrant communities, especially in a state like Massachusetts, have always been an asset, especially when it pertains to the well being and progress of all residents," continued Ms. Montes. "Today's announcement should inspire everyone to seek solutions to challenges that affect everyone (native or foreign born) in which mutual understanding and harmony are strengthened. We are ALL Massachusetts, we are ALL American," concluded Ms. Montes.

" S-Comm is an example of the wrong approach taken by our federal government when it pertains to the treatment of immigrants, and it should be suspended once and for all," stated Oscar Chacon, Executive Director of the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC), an alliance of immigrant-led organizations from around the country. " Governor Patrick's bold decision follows a similar one taken by the Governors of Illinois and New York. These represent important steps toward the detoxification of the way in which we have been talking about immigrants and immigration policy in our country up to now," continued Mr. Chacon. "If our federal government is to lead on resolving matters related to immigrants and immigration policy, President Obama must come to grips with the fact that our current law is broken, wasteful and inhumane. Blindly enforcing such a law is simply immoral," added Mr. Chacon.

"The separation of immigrant families must come to an end immediately; President Obama has the authority to make it happen. At the end of the day, our nation is in urgent need of a new alternative on how to deal with immigrants. Our leaders must come up with a new vision with policies that reflect the universal principles embedded in our nation's declaration of independence and constitution and that include the contributions of immigrant communities and the economic interests of most Americans," concluded Mr. Chacon.

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All Power to the People