Framing the Innocent: Crimes Under Color of Law at the Massachusetts US Attorney's Office

Thursday, March 24

Framing the Innocent: Crimes Under Color of Law at the Massachusetts
US Attorney's Office

7 pm
Northeastern University School of Law
240 Dockser Hall
65 Forsyth St.
Boston, MA

Come hear from Councilor Chuck Turner, the author of Boston's
Transgender Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, on the evening before he
goes to jail due to FBI repression of political activists.

Chuck Turner--Five-term Boston City Councilor representing Roxbury and
Dorchester, and a lifetime activist for social justice, recently
targeted by the FBI and the Massachusetts US Attorney

Bob Boyle--Attorney representing many activists and political
prisoners targeted by the FBI's infamous Counter-Intelligence Program

Laila Murad--Organizer from the Tarek Mehanna Support Committee

Michael Avery--Professor of Law, Suffolk Law School, won a landmark
civil suit against the Boston FBI on behalf of four men wrongfully
convicted of murder

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